So Target dose not want to sell Beyonce, Why!!??


What’s up loves I hope you guys are doing Well. So Beyonce got out a new album and and it ropes Miley Cryrus and Lady Gaga sales in one night that is a wow and a lot of money, but there is some news that are shocking people… Target dose not want to sell her new stuff. So loves according to E News target tell them what’s the point to sell her album everyone has it not only that it will bring down sales.  Well loves my thoughts about this is Beyonce will not care she got all the money she needed in a night out of that new album so that is not important, what’s important is if other artist are going to follow her footsteps,  and I recommend not too because you don’t want to look like a fool. Well loves comment your opinion.  Peace,love and Blessings.  Xoxo -Yazer

Yazer’s Thoughts ♡

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